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Staff Association

Brenda is the staff association person at my branch.

And this is the last orientation blog post I'll be making!

IT Room

The troubleshooters at my branch are Brenda and Cindy.

The IT tech is Sherry.

And a CCPL wiki is the Summer Reading Team.


The most fascinating thing I learned about operations was that Scott has the best job in the entire system and that 77,000 items were processed by technical services in the last year!

Facilities Manager-Tom Sheets
IT Manager-Bob Kuntz,
Technical Services Manager-Elaine Adkins

Outreach Room

I saw the PowerPoint on the programing philosophy. Since I serve on the Summer Reading team and have done numerous story times I mostly already knew about the aims of programming, what's considered a program and so forth. However I thought the PowerPoint was very complete and helpful to somebody new who didn't know a lot about programming.

Booking a Meeting Room

I've booked the meeting room for all of the children's programs since I started. Its simple to book and quick. I really like the feature to book multiple dates for the same time, very helpful for booking it for storytimes. I already know how to delete the booking (or I think I do anyways). I called ILL and left a message. I believe you have the patron email or call ILL in order to delete it.

One thing I learned...

One thing I learned in the External relations room is that its all right to ask to call a reporter back so you can gather together what you plan to say.

Meeting Someone New

Somebody new I've met recently is Sam Eddington the new Adult Services Supervisor here at Mt. Airy. A couple of things I've learned about him are that he's in a band and used to work at a very small town.