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RSS Feeds and Bloglines

I think this is the first thing that has challenged me! I had a blog before and used Flickr before but I didn't know much about RSS feeds and hadn't used bloglines. So I was excited to really expand my knowledge this week! And I did!
I watched the pod cast and followed the information about how to set up a bloglines account. But it took me a little while to figure out how to add things and I really wanted to post them onto my blog, because what's the point of having a bloglines if people don't see it on my blog? That took me awhile but finally I located the correct java script to add it. And I am pretty happy with the results.


drako said...

Beautiful baby! I'm the mom of a 10 year old boy and I know how much fun they can be! Enjoy! Doris Keck

Erin said...

Thanks. He's my nephew.