Daisypath Ticker


You Tube

I love you tube! There are so many funny movies uploaded on there and its a really great way to share videos with people if I ever were to take any videos. I chose to share with everyone a hilarious video from blendtech called "Will it Blend" in this particular segment they blend an iphone! There is no great intellectual reason for picking this clip, its just fun to watch them destroy an iphone. I also like the one where they use glowsticks. The thing I really like about you tube is how easy they make everything. Especially sharing and searching for videos. Its quite easy if you would like to see all the "Will it Blend" segments to bring them up. I think youtube programs for teens would be great! Lots of teens already use youtube and perhaps you could have a short video contest or something. Or just teach them how to use it. The one problem with you tube is just about anything can be posted including offensive or inappropriate materials.

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